My Experience
Software Engineer @ Tripadvisor
2023/08 - Present
Working in a high performing agile team to develop features at scale for the main Viator site that serves millions of users all over the world
Performing full stack development using Java and Spring Boot on the server side and React on the client side
UK Team Lead @ AplyiD
2022/02 - 2022/11
I lead all software development initiatives for the UK office which involved managing and participating in product/feature development from conception and planning to production deployment.
Building desktop and mobile optimised web applications in Vue.JS and Ruby on Rails with an emphasis on the development process to produce high quality code. Key aspects of this development process involve supporting product managers, performing technical review and knowledge sharing.
Communicated closely with existing and potential clients to provide technical support for key API intgerations and with partners to explore possible business opportunities.
Software Engineer @ AplyiD
2020/01 - 2022/02
I performed full stack development utilising Vue.JS, Angular.JS and Ruby on Rails to create KYC/AML and financial onboarding products from inception and design to deployment and maintenance
Successfully lead major development initiatives to grow the product and company. This resulted in our development team of 2 and organisation of 13 to become a strong development team of 7 and an organisation of over 50 spanning across 3 timezones.
Collaborated closely with the founders of the company, key sales staff, developers, designers, third party vendors and customer support to navigate complex AML regulation and data policies to produce slick onboarding products.
Software Engineer @ Hypebeat
2019/04 - 2019/09
Worked closely with the founders of the company in an agile team to develop and expand the back-end of the main product using Koa.JS which included Javascript, Typescript, HTML and CSS
- Participated in key strategic meetings regarding business strategy and product design
Intern Software Developer @ Halter
2018/11 - 2019/02
- Worked in two high performing agile teams which developed the minimal viable product of the company under tight product deadlines
Developed and expanded the back-end and cloud infrastructure of the main product using Nest.JS (JavaScript + TypeScript), AWS, Swagger, OpenAPI and Docker
Developed the front-end of the company by creating various internal support tools using the React.JS framework
Intern Front End Developer @ BNZ
2017/11 - 2018/02
Developed front-end software using the React.JS framework alongside technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSS and Node.JS to create various visual frontend components
Worked closely with experienced product designers and owners in a small agile team requiring tight communication
- Partially worked in an agile team to test the banks internal help and support system via automated unit tests and test plans using XMind and Postman
Student & Tutor @ VUW
2016 - 2020
- Graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering with first class honours
Key study interests included artificial intelligence, software ethics and organisational culture
Completed a year long thesis which involved developing a series of IoT connected radios for the purpose of tracking birds within dense native bush
- Worked as a computer science tutor helping students to understand algorithms and data structures
Project Showcase
Who am I?
I'm a software engineer based out of London, England and an xpat of New Zealand. I enjoy software engineering for its sometimes mind bending mix of subjectiveness and objectivness where there is almost never a sliver bullet. This has helped me develop extensive software skill over 6 years of programming and 3 years of working in high performing agile teams.
Outside of software my interests include writing, journalism, hiking throughout the world, exploring Londons historic pubs, running, reading books relating to topics such as sociology, fantasy, politics, philosophy and...sensory deprivation tanks ;)
Books I'm Involved With
Book | Genre | Status |
Rivers of LondonBen Aaronovitch 11/02/2025 | Urban Fantasy | |
The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain 09/02/2025 | Fiction | |
Based on a True Story: Not a MemoirNorm Macdonald 25/01/2025 | Fiction | |
Death on the NileAgatha Christie 15/01/2025 | Fiction |